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Tax Cuts – where it fits for you
From July next year, most taxpayers will be getting a bonus of $530 a year, which should help many Australians with rising energy bills in an economy starved of wage growth.
No more New Year’s “resolutions”
Had enough of resolutions each and every year that you don’t follow? I’m betting like 95% of people you are also guilty of making a resolution at 11:55pm on the 31st December and not actually sticking to it (and apparently 65% of all statistics are made up). Now three months down the track, how are yours travelling?
We’re all worth more dead than alive!
Are we worth more dead? Apparently I am! So what happens when the inevitable occurs? What do you WANT to happen to your assets when you die? For many it’s a simple topic of ‘each to the other and then the kids’ where we have a nuclear family. It’s not as simple as that now, blended families in particular add a complexity that needs to be considered.
Super vs Mortgage: a handy way to choose
A new online tool aims to help Australians settle that crucial investment question: should I put extra money into superannuation, or pay down my home loan?
It is a pressing concern for many families, as Australia continues to rank highly in the world for household indebtedness.
Up to $3.6 billion in unpaid worker’s superannuation entitlements
It has been reported that up to a third of workers are not being paid part, or all, of their compulsory super, new research has found. At the present time employers withheld at least $3.6 billion in superannuation payments to 2.4 million workers in 2013/14.
Superannuation reform legislation passed
The Senate has passed the key Bill which gives effect to the much discussed superannuation reforms. The majority of measures commence from 1 July 2017.
“Trump, unicorns & pixies. But this is no fairytale.”
A Donald J Trump victory in the US Presidential election has made worldwide news. His views, policies, and past has raised more than eyebrows. Yet enough American’s were still convinced to vote for a man that has polarised opinions yet captured a major win in the middle-America vote. It’s been 9 years since the acknowledged start of the GFC, they’ve said enough-is-enough and want more as they’ve not seen their personal position improve.
8 Times when you really should get Financial Advice
It’s never a bad idea to get financial advice but there are times when it’s particularly important. Find a financial planner that makes you feel comfortable.
Australian inflation on the rise
Australian inflation is on the rise, with consumer prices rising 1.3 percent through the year to the third quarter of 2016 from 1.0 percent in the previous three month period and above market consensus of a 1.1 percent.
UK Pension Update
The recent changes to the HMRC UK pension transfer rules has excluded many from being able to transfer their fund to a qualified Australian Superannuation Fund. Find out which funds are eligible to be transferred from the UK.